Back pain is one ofthe most common body issues which can never be underrated owing to the warningmessages that it might hold. Back pain might occur due to extreme levels of either activity or inactivity. Back pain is considered to be serious and must be attended to when there is sudden spike in pain, weakness, loss of bladder function, high fever, severe stomach pain, unexplained weight loss or when pain is experienced after a severe fall.
Treatment of back painis therefore a multidisciplinary approach where short wave therapy inChennai is a therapeutic treatment is prescribed for muscle andjoint conditions. High frequency electric current is employed to stimulate andgenerate heat in the body tissues, which also increases blood flow, relieves pain and improves mobility in the tissues while the healing process is on. The heat is generated in the targeted area and improves flexibility in the stiff joints and connective tissue making it a good option for rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
The therapy isemployed by physical therapists and chiropractors to treat sprains, strains,bursitis and tenosynovitis. Short wavetherapy in Chennai is also employed to minimize inflammationsand encourage range of motion, so that they can participate in rehabilitation without inhibitions.
Besidesrehabilitation, short wave therapy in Chennai is used in surgical procedures sothat the heat generated will cause the blood to coagulate and allows the vessel to seal. Short wave therapy is also used to remove abnormal growths like tumours when traditional techniques are not viable.
On a concluding note,short wave therapy addresses to a spectrum of issues from managing pain tohealing wounds and gaining significance in rehabilitation.